Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

On Christmas Eve of 2002, Laci Peterson’s stepfather called 911 to report his stepdaughter missing. She was 8th months pregnant with a baby boy she planned to name Connor. On April 13 and 14, 2003, two bodies washed ashore on the California coast and were revealed to be those of Connor and Laci. On April 18, 2003, Scott was arrested for Laci and Connor’s murders and subsequently convicted.

Recently The Innocence Project of Los Angeles has decided to take up Scott’s case. Let’s look at the astrology and see if Scott is responsible.

The chart starts at 16 Cancer, an indication that the murder may have possibly taken place at home. I immediately noted that the pna (personal name asteroid) Amber is exactly on the ascendant! This is astrological evidence that she was the reason Scott decided to kill his wife. She reported that Scott had told her in early December that his wife had passed away and it would be his first Christmas without her. This is pretty damning. Another interesting asteroid here is StateIRA, which in crime charts indicates life insurance. It was reported that Scott and Laci had a $250,000 life insurance policy, which eventually went to Laci’s mother. Looking at the Arabic Lots we see the lot of Courage (or Audacity), which is the cause of arrogance, plots, violence, and every evil activity, along with the lot of Boldness, Violence, and Murder here at the ascendant. No one is disputing she was murdered, we want to know who did it.

The chart’s ruler is the moon, representing women, infants, and the missing. It is found in the 3rd house of communication at 7 Virgo. This confirms that this was a 911 call to report her missing. This is the home of the fixed star Alioth, and according to Elspeth Ebertin, when joined with the moon indicates possible danger during pregnancy. The Arabic Lots of “Life” and “Children” are with the moon. Another interesting fact is that both Cancer and the moon represent boats!

The 5th house of children (and also sex for fun!), starts in Scorpio, which makes Mars (the perpetrator) its ruler. Scorpio also represents mysteries. We see the asteroid Juno here, which represents your spouse or partner, and it is conjunct the asteroid Crantor, which shows a “sudden death”. Next is the Part of Fortune (POF), which can show where you succeed (or fail, depending on all the factors) which is conjunct the fixed star Alphecca, which can show someone who secretly engages in love affairs and adultery (Scott had multiple affairs) and also poisoning. Mars is next at 15 Scorpio, the home of fixed star Zuben Elgenubi, which indicates malevolence, obstruction, an unforgiving character, violence, disease, lying, crime, disgrace, and danger of poison. This is the second mention of poison, and Mars is also an indicator of poison. Zuben Elgenubi, when with Mars can show Bitter quarrels, entailing bloodshed or death. [Robson, p.205.]

Venus is conjunct Mars at 17 Scorpio. It is in a t-square opposite the pna “Scott”, and they are both square the asteroid DNA. I find this interesting because the only DNA evidence in the trial was one hair found on a pair of pliers on Scott’s boat, which Laci had never been on. The pna “Scott” is also conjunct the fixed star Algol, which can indicate beheadings. Laci’s head was never recovered.

Looking to the 6th house of misfortune, we find Pluto in Sagittarius at the “evil” 18th degree. It is at the home of fixed start Sabik (which is sometimes associated with psychopaths) and can indicate success in evil deeds. Well, he was successful at killing her, but he didn’t get away with it. Pluto (death) is opposite Saturn (the body), and they are both square the pna “Laci*” in the 9th house of the outdoors, in Pisces (water). Saturn is in Gemini, which represents San Francisco, which was just across the bay from where Scott went fishing and where her and Connor’s bodies eventually washed up. Saturn is conjunct the Arabic part of “Travel by Water” and Pluto is conjunct the Arabic part of “Danger of Violence”.

The Sun is also in the 6th house at 3 Capricorn. Close by is Chiron (the wound that never heals) which is conjunct the asteroid Child. Scott did not want any children.

Mercury is in the 7th house of partners at 22 Capricorn. The 22nd degree is known as the “kill or be killed” degree. It is conjunct the asteroid Niobe, which can represent a loss of a child. It is also with the Arabic Part of “Parent’s”. This makes sense because the call was made by Laci’s stepfather, the “partner” of her mother.

We’ve got Neptune in the 8th house of death at 9 Aquarius. Neptune rules water, poison, plots or plotting something, and boating. It is conjunct asteroid Kassandra, which indicates a dysfunctional marriage.

Saturn, which represents dead bodies is in the 12th house of hidden secrets. Asteroids Industria (hard-working), Isis (body in pieces), and Sphinx (mystery) show us how Scott was trying to hide her body, but fate (and the currents) worked against him.

In my opinion, the astrology indicates that Scott is the only one responsible for Laci and Connor’s deaths. I don’t see any indication that there was an unknown intruder or anyone who may have helped Scott in any way. All signs point to Scott.