Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Angela Whalen Hudson, was last seen by her husband, Robert Hudson, at approximately 10 a.m. on September 20, 2001 at her residence in Ruffin, North Carolina. Robert stated that he last saw Angela when she came into his workshop where she stated she “had to go do something.” She then walked her two kids to the school bus stop and has never been seen or heard from again.

Angela Hudson

This is the chart of time that Angela’s husband said he last saw her leaving on foot. With Scorpio rising and Neptune at the IC, I suspect he is not telling the truth about what was happening at this time. He claims she stopped into his workshop to tell him she was leaving, never to return.

The moon is the natural significator of the missing and the lost, as well as representing infants and mothers. She is in the first house, so I believe him when he says he saw her at 10 am. Unfortunately, the moon in Scorpio is being ruled by Mars, which can signify rage, anger, and violence. She is in her fall here, so she is debilitated. She is square Neptune so she is vulnerable. She is sextile Mars in the 3rd, did he see an opportunity? She is conjunct the asteroid Requiem, which indicates death.

If we take Mars as the husband’s significator, he is in the 3rd house (in the neighborhood, in a car, on the phone?). Mars is in Capricorn, so it could have been a work truck. Mars is also conjunct the Arabic Part of Death, another sad omen.

But where is Angela? Saturn is the natural significator for the deceased, and he is in the 8th house in Gemini. This tells us she is in place near people, and she is possibly in a building as opposed to outside. She may be very high up, such as an attic or upper room.